
It is a mandatory obligation for the licensed dentists to play their important role in maintaining radiation exposure of patients and staff as low as reasonably achievable. The addition of advanced imaging modalities such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, panoramic radiographs, and cephalometric scans have resulted in the exposure of greater number of intraoral radiographs on a routine basis in the dental offices. It is strongly advised that the individuals who the dental x ray equipment and machines must have a basic knowledge of the inherent health risks associated with the radiations and must have demonstrated familiarity with the fundamental precautions for radiation safety against the anticipated hazards. SkydentalSupply provides the specified recommended products for the prevention against radiation hazards in the dental offices and radiology departments in the dental hospitals.

Radiation protection is considered a basic requirement in dental clinics and hospitals for the safety and well-being of workers and health care professionals. Necessary precautions must be taken to provide reasonably adequate protection to the health and safety of individuals. Individual or permanent monitoring devices should be provided to the workers performing duties in the radiology departments directly dealing with radiation exposures. It must be ensured that the dental personnel do not stand in the path of the useful beams. All radiology workers must wear proper protective gear, lead aprons and unleaded aprons during working hours. Skydentalsupply offers sophisticated equipment and protective gear for extraoral (OPG, Lateral cephalogram, PA view) and intraoral radiographs (Bitewing x-rays, occlusal x-rays, Periapical radiographs) necessary for diagnosis in the dental clinics.

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Agfa Dentus Film D Speed
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Apron Hanger
Price: $44.99